24 April 2014

Emotronic Diary Album Preview On Soundcloud | Dreamwave Music Producer and Composer | Jowie Schulner

Take a listen to a Soundcloud preview of the "Emotronic Diary" album. https://soundcloud.com/toxicrazor/jowie-schulner-emotronic-diary-album-preview


Jowie Schulner's debute album called "Emotronic Diary" has been supported by Synthetix.FM, Playmaker, Radio Pure Gently, Make Your Own Taste, Patricks Music Blog, NewRetroWave and many more.

Buy Emotronic Diary

If you want the exclusive Cassette Tape of "Emotronic Diary", you can order it here on Bandcamp http://synthesizer.bandcamp.com/album/142-jowie-schulner-emotronic-diary